My sister Christina is pregers with her 4Th little bundle of joy and to celebrate, my mams and I took her out to dinner with our sisters who live here in KC.
C chose Blue Koi, one of her favorite spots to eat, I get to take credit for introducing her to this marvelous place!! There are two locations in Kansas City and they couldn't be in more different parts of town. The original is in Midtown, a hip bar/eatery district, and the new location is in Leawood, an upscale residential part of town. The latter has outdoor seating so alas C chose the latter. A perfect night to sit outside, not too hot yet, it was just perfect!!
Here are some pics from our dinner:
You can't really tell because of the glare, but it says Spicy Buns, which started the first of many laughing fits from all members at the table.

Mom got a hold of my camera, I think I am searching for it in this picture she took of me. I love how she captured the restaurant 'feel' in this shot.

Will it fit? I love this picture of Christina, though she may not, I just love the look on her face!

During another laughing fit:

It was great to see all my Kansas City sisters, Kerri looks so punk with her sassy short red hair!!

Obviously by now y'all can tell that she is having a girl, but this picture makes it official.

We had a really great time!! You can't go wrong if there are sisters and China Moon involved!!