Murphy left Quivera Falls and moved on to the much bigger & much greener pastures of Loch Lloyd. The difference this has made for our family is tremendous---He is a much happier man.

Chili season began. YEA!!!! It's kinda my favorite thing to make :) And our chili bowls from Kate make it taste even better!

We saw Band of Horses. We have seen these guys open for other bands 3 times, but this show was our first with them headlining. It...was...awesome. Definitely my favorite band right now.

Our best buds, Pete & Mel, returned home from their travels in Thailand bearing gifts. Among them, hand-carved chopsticks to add to our collection (we also have hand-carved chopsticks from Japan thanks to Mike & Jess). Our friends are so cool.

Ole Hallows Eve was beautiful in Kansas City. This creepy crawler greeted Mama J on her porch Halloween morning! She immediately called me over to take pictures. We rounded out the evening with pumpkin carving & scary movies, and then I read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Pretty perfect Halloween if you ask me.