Thursday, January 31, 2008


Jess you are too inspiring, I couldn't resist, being a new wife and all.

What is his name? Murphy
How long have you been togther? 9 years. Married for 4.5 MONTHS!
How long did you date? 8 years 9 months. (just making sure)
How old is he? thirty-four but he acts more like 33
Who eats more? he does unless its Subway. I eat more frequently, about every 2 hours.
Who said I love you first? I'm sure it was me.
Who is taller? He is, by a whole foot.
Who can sing better? Me, but you won't be purchasing tickets to see me in concert any time soon.
Who does the laundry? I'd say its 50/50, he might disagree, but I say 50/50.
Who pays the bills? I do. I am really weird about my money (in a good way)
Who sleeps on the right side? I do.
Who mows the lawn? Most of the time, he does. I do from time to time, we have four yards to mow (mom lives next door) so I try to pitch in as much as possible.
Who cooks dinner? He does if you want it to be edible.
Who drives? He does,I hate city traffic.
Who is more stubborn? Me, no question.
Who kissed who first? I'm pretty sure it was mutual.
Who asked who out first? He asked me, it was the most amazing thing ever. I still have the bev nap he wrote his number on.
Who proposed? I did, right before LOST started.
Who has more friends? Me, only because my family is bigger. Most of my friends are my family.
Who is more sensitive? Oh that would be me. I am THE most emotional person on the planet...big pat on the back for Murphy.
Who has more siblings? Me, he grew up an only child but has 5 half siblings from a previous marriage. I am the middle child of 7 and I grew up with all of them. We have some privacy issues at our house to say the least.
Who wears the pants? I truly think we both do, especially as we enter this new part of lives as a married couple.


Anonymous said...

privacy issues? i like to think of it as 17 years of bonding. eh?

jess said...

I love it!! Thanks for filling it out, amidst all your studies and busyness :)

You guys are one of my favorite couples ever. Big pat on the back for both of you for making this huge commitment to each other - it's an awesome adventure.

Love you both.