5 things you probably never wanted to know about me....its Kate's fault, she tagged me.
1) I knew Murphy was my 'soul mate' when he told me, soon after we met, that he had ridden his bike on Harrison Ford's property
2) I eat my hash browns with syrup on them
3) I can't do a cartwheel
4) At any given moment I can tell you where and when I got every article of clothing I am wearing (including socks & undies)
5) I HATE shaving, I would have everything waxed if I could afford it.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
sad day.
Today we said goodbye to Jan's very loyal kitty Chia. She was suddenly extremely ill and she passed today :(
I remember when Jan got Chia and her brother, Papita, almost ten years ago. Today was a very sad day on Summit Street--Having to say goodbye to her was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
I'll post a picture as soon as I can.
I remember when Jan got Chia and her brother, Papita, almost ten years ago. Today was a very sad day on Summit Street--Having to say goodbye to her was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
I'll post a picture as soon as I can.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Leaping Lizards!
Sorry, I could not resist the corny title :)
I have a funny story for all of you:
Ok so, I broke my arm twice as a child by simply convincing myself I could defy gravity. The first time I broke my arm was during my little sister Kate's baby shower. I was four. As my mom was inside being showered with baby gifts,I was outside doing my best to impress all my cousins, and other peers gathered in The Weber's backyard.
"Oh yeah, well I am WonderWoman, I can fly." "Wanna see?"
I don't remember exactly what I said, I was four, but whatever I said led me to the top of the jungle gym in The Weber's backyard. I stared down at Glen Jr., Josh, Missy , Jen, and Tina (we called her Tina then). For a moment I actually thought I could fly...and then...WEEEEE. I leapt off the jungle gym only to find out that I wasn't WonderWoman, and I couldn't fly.
Next thing I remember I was running in screaming at my mom that I broke my arm. Funny thing was she didn't believe me. If you knew me as a child (or an adult), you know I have a certain flare for the dramatics. Yes, lets call it flare. On top of the dramatics I have been a certifiable Hypochondriac since I could talk. A new freckle meant cancer, a small muscle twitch meant a stoke was coming, a headache was sure to develop into a brain hemorrhage---my poor parents.
So, anyway back to my story, my mom said I was fine, told me to take a vitamin and let her open the rest of her presents.
3 days later my arm was cast...and a big "I told you so" (to my older sister) was gloated.
I don't remember the details of my second attempt to defy gravity as well, only that it involved monkey bars, The Kassens, and a painful walk home from Somerset. I leapt off the top of the monkey bars only to find that it was not as easy as I thought to land on top of the nearby play structure.
Cast and gloat...I was always so proud of my injuries.
Last night I proved yet again that I am not immune to the laws of gravity. A ritual whip-cream-hazing gone bad.
We had the unsuspecting employee pinned, accomplice in front with a pan of whip cream, I was in back with a can of whip cream. It was a perfect plan until it went horribly wrong. Our victim realized our plan a moment too soon, causing me to leap, yes leap, off the window sill I was sitting in and face plant onto the concrete (I apparently learned my lesson after breaking both arms so I deciding to sacrifice my limbs and break my fall with my face).
I hit the pavement.
I walked away with a very swollen left ankle, completely straw-berried right knee, and a few bloody knuckles.
Some people never learn.
Happy Easter :)
I have a funny story for all of you:
Ok so, I broke my arm twice as a child by simply convincing myself I could defy gravity. The first time I broke my arm was during my little sister Kate's baby shower. I was four. As my mom was inside being showered with baby gifts,I was outside doing my best to impress all my cousins, and other peers gathered in The Weber's backyard.
"Oh yeah, well I am WonderWoman, I can fly." "Wanna see?"
I don't remember exactly what I said, I was four, but whatever I said led me to the top of the jungle gym in The Weber's backyard. I stared down at Glen Jr., Josh, Missy , Jen, and Tina (we called her Tina then). For a moment I actually thought I could fly...and then...WEEEEE. I leapt off the jungle gym only to find out that I wasn't WonderWoman, and I couldn't fly.
Next thing I remember I was running in screaming at my mom that I broke my arm. Funny thing was she didn't believe me. If you knew me as a child (or an adult), you know I have a certain flare for the dramatics. Yes, lets call it flare. On top of the dramatics I have been a certifiable Hypochondriac since I could talk. A new freckle meant cancer, a small muscle twitch meant a stoke was coming, a headache was sure to develop into a brain hemorrhage---my poor parents.
So, anyway back to my story, my mom said I was fine, told me to take a vitamin and let her open the rest of her presents.
3 days later my arm was cast...and a big "I told you so" (to my older sister) was gloated.
I don't remember the details of my second attempt to defy gravity as well, only that it involved monkey bars, The Kassens, and a painful walk home from Somerset. I leapt off the top of the monkey bars only to find that it was not as easy as I thought to land on top of the nearby play structure.
Cast and gloat...I was always so proud of my injuries.
Last night I proved yet again that I am not immune to the laws of gravity. A ritual whip-cream-hazing gone bad.
We had the unsuspecting employee pinned, accomplice in front with a pan of whip cream, I was in back with a can of whip cream. It was a perfect plan until it went horribly wrong. Our victim realized our plan a moment too soon, causing me to leap, yes leap, off the window sill I was sitting in and face plant onto the concrete (I apparently learned my lesson after breaking both arms so I deciding to sacrifice my limbs and break my fall with my face).
I hit the pavement.
I walked away with a very swollen left ankle, completely straw-berried right knee, and a few bloody knuckles.
Some people never learn.
Happy Easter :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Happy St. Pat's Day
Cake pictures were to go up sooner but life happens sooo....here you go...
I managed to delete all but one photo of our 6 month anniversary celebration oops! We finally cut our cake. We had two cakes at our reception so I decided to eat one at 6 months and one at twelve months. (had nothing to do with the fact we needed freezer space) I didn't have any cake at my reception...ahhh what a whirlwind...it still tasted pretty good after all this time.

And flowers!!!!

A sure sign spring is just around the corner which means you all won't have to listen to me complain about the cold for much longer :) Yea!
Please send GOOD VIBES towards the northwestern part of Mexico. Two of my favorite peeps in the whole world are there right now making the world a better place. And they need good energy sent their way. Kate will blog all about it when she is back in the states I'm sure.
ONE LAST THING: My husband says the most hilarious things in his sleep. (sisters have probably heard me talk about it before) It is a source of much fun for us, me being a light sleeper and Murph could sleep through a zombie apocalypse (ha ha) If you have ever witnessed someone talking in their sleep then you understand how incredibly funny it is. As you can tell I do most the blogging in the family, but he made me promise to post this quote. Right after I grumpily (sp?) pushed an annoying early morning cat off the bed...(in a London accent) "Marri...you shouldn't play with the kittys within these walls"---I know, its priceless.
What is the funniest thing you have ever heard someone say in their sleep?
ok, one more last thing...Happy St. Pat's day to all. I have the pleasure of tending bar for 12 hours on Monday...should have good stories to tell. Have a safe one.
I managed to delete all but one photo of our 6 month anniversary celebration oops! We finally cut our cake. We had two cakes at our reception so I decided to eat one at 6 months and one at twelve months. (had nothing to do with the fact we needed freezer space) I didn't have any cake at my reception...ahhh what a whirlwind...it still tasted pretty good after all this time.
And flowers!!!!
A sure sign spring is just around the corner which means you all won't have to listen to me complain about the cold for much longer :) Yea!
Please send GOOD VIBES towards the northwestern part of Mexico. Two of my favorite peeps in the whole world are there right now making the world a better place. And they need good energy sent their way. Kate will blog all about it when she is back in the states I'm sure.
ONE LAST THING: My husband says the most hilarious things in his sleep. (sisters have probably heard me talk about it before) It is a source of much fun for us, me being a light sleeper and Murph could sleep through a zombie apocalypse (ha ha) If you have ever witnessed someone talking in their sleep then you understand how incredibly funny it is. As you can tell I do most the blogging in the family, but he made me promise to post this quote. Right after I grumpily (sp?) pushed an annoying early morning cat off the bed...(in a London accent) "Marri...you shouldn't play with the kittys within these walls"---I know, its priceless.
What is the funniest thing you have ever heard someone say in their sleep?
ok, one more last thing...Happy St. Pat's day to all. I have the pleasure of tending bar for 12 hours on Monday...should have good stories to tell. Have a safe one.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Some more pics of downtown.
The first three are familar places or buildings, the clocktower is new to the area and is constantly spinning. The last picture is of the new Irish pub Ragland Road (sadly, they weren't open yet). All interior decor has been brought over seas from Ireland. We did get to peek in, looks like it is going to be beautiful.

Check back later for CAKE pictures!
The first three are familar places or buildings, the clocktower is new to the area and is constantly spinning. The last picture is of the new Irish pub Ragland Road (sadly, they weren't open yet). All interior decor has been brought over seas from Ireland. We did get to peek in, looks like it is going to be beautiful.
Check back later for CAKE pictures!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The "New" KC
Murphy and I had a day off together and we spent it checking out a new district in KC. I kicked myself for not bringing my larger camera, but still caught some good pics. The KCLight District is located in our downtown, and has a mix of new and old buildings.
This is the sprint center, where I saw Garth Brooks, I think it looks like an alien space ship. That's my husband on the far left avoiding the camera.

We ate a Chefburger, a build your own burger joint..Mike, you would love it. I know you are thinking, what? you guys are vegatarians, how did you eat at a burger place? The establishment offers a varity of sandwiches, all with your choice of 'patty', they offer beef, turkey, chicken, or VEGGIE. Yay! It is near impossible to get a veggie burger while eating out in this town so this will most likely become a regular eating spot for us veg-heads.
After eating, we walked around the new area, it was a beautiful day (70's). We visited the 'stage', where free concerts will be held. Fire-pits and comfy furniture are abundant. Never complete without giant light-up cowgirls!

We stopped by the new Gordon Biersch brewery for an afternoon brew. We sat at an outdoor bar, it doubles as the indoor bar. The bartenders serve the patrons sitting outside through a window. The beer taps are the coolest beer taps Murphy and I had ever seen (Mike, when you are ready for beer taps for the basement..these are the ones!) The beer was great too, Murphy had a 'black' beer as they call it, and I went for the sampler. Samplers are my favorite way to drink locally brewed beer...why try just one? The 'black' beer was dark like Guiness, but really light in taste. Probably my favorite one.

We had a great day...stress free. (today is one day before our 6 month mark)
This is the sprint center, where I saw Garth Brooks, I think it looks like an alien space ship. That's my husband on the far left avoiding the camera.
We ate a Chefburger, a build your own burger joint..Mike, you would love it. I know you are thinking, what? you guys are vegatarians, how did you eat at a burger place? The establishment offers a varity of sandwiches, all with your choice of 'patty', they offer beef, turkey, chicken, or VEGGIE. Yay! It is near impossible to get a veggie burger while eating out in this town so this will most likely become a regular eating spot for us veg-heads.
After eating, we walked around the new area, it was a beautiful day (70's). We visited the 'stage', where free concerts will be held. Fire-pits and comfy furniture are abundant. Never complete without giant light-up cowgirls!
We stopped by the new Gordon Biersch brewery for an afternoon brew. We sat at an outdoor bar, it doubles as the indoor bar. The bartenders serve the patrons sitting outside through a window. The beer taps are the coolest beer taps Murphy and I had ever seen (Mike, when you are ready for beer taps for the basement..these are the ones!) The beer was great too, Murphy had a 'black' beer as they call it, and I went for the sampler. Samplers are my favorite way to drink locally brewed beer...why try just one? The 'black' beer was dark like Guiness, but really light in taste. Probably my favorite one.
We had a great day...stress free. (today is one day before our 6 month mark)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!!!!!!!!!
You are such an amazing person, I love you so much! I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
You are such an amazing person, I love you so much! I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A - Age you got your first kiss: 13
B - Band listening to right now: Kings of Leon
C - Crush: Indiana Jones
D - Dad's name: Steve
E - Easiest person to talk to: My sisters...sorry can't contain to just one person
F - Favorite bands at the moment: Kings of Leon, Ben Harper, Mazzy Star, Modest mouse
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: when I was a child, Gummy Bears
H - Hometown: Kansas City
I - Instruments: PS3 controller
J- Junior High: Mission Valley Middle School
K - Kids: Two, ages 7 & 6, and they walk on all fours.
L - Longest car ride ever: Brookside, Kansas City, Mo to Anacostia, Washington, D.C.
M - Mom's name: Trish
N - Nicknames: Crumbles, Mush, Mary Jane--Murphy called me puddin' pop once...only once...never again.
O- One wish: I wish the Harry Potter movies were exactly like the books
P - Phobia[s]: the Dark, silverfish, elevators
Q - Quote: "I'm a living sunset, lightning in my bones. Push me to the edge but my will is stone. Because I believe in a better way."-- B. Harper
R - Reason to smile: I woke up today
S - Song you sang last: "Kickapoo"-- Tenacious D
T - Time you woke up [today]: 9:04 am
U - Unknown fact about me: I've never eaten a peach
V - Vegetable you hate: I've never had a vegetable I hated
W - Worst habit(s): procrastinating
X - X-rays you've had: my head, both arms & my hind quarters
Y - Yummy food: anything Murph cooks, D'Lish in Sedona
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo
B - Band listening to right now: Kings of Leon
C - Crush: Indiana Jones
D - Dad's name: Steve
E - Easiest person to talk to: My sisters...sorry can't contain to just one person
F - Favorite bands at the moment: Kings of Leon, Ben Harper, Mazzy Star, Modest mouse
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: when I was a child, Gummy Bears
H - Hometown: Kansas City
I - Instruments: PS3 controller
J- Junior High: Mission Valley Middle School
K - Kids: Two, ages 7 & 6, and they walk on all fours.
L - Longest car ride ever: Brookside, Kansas City, Mo to Anacostia, Washington, D.C.
M - Mom's name: Trish
N - Nicknames: Crumbles, Mush, Mary Jane--Murphy called me puddin' pop once...only once...never again.
O- One wish: I wish the Harry Potter movies were exactly like the books
P - Phobia[s]: the Dark, silverfish, elevators
Q - Quote: "I'm a living sunset, lightning in my bones. Push me to the edge but my will is stone. Because I believe in a better way."-- B. Harper
R - Reason to smile: I woke up today
S - Song you sang last: "Kickapoo"-- Tenacious D
T - Time you woke up [today]: 9:04 am
U - Unknown fact about me: I've never eaten a peach
V - Vegetable you hate: I've never had a vegetable I hated
W - Worst habit(s): procrastinating
X - X-rays you've had: my head, both arms & my hind quarters
Y - Yummy food: anything Murph cooks, D'Lish in Sedona
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Two Things Today
Not the best picture...not the best feet, but notice 2 things:
1) I am wearing flip-flops...yes it was 70 degrees today! Its supposed to be 30 tomorrow :(
2) The last remnant of my pedicure (click on pic) I received for my wedding will be removed today. Almost 6 months! Just in time to paint them green again for St. Patty's Day.
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