I managed to delete all but one photo of our 6 month anniversary celebration oops! We finally cut our cake. We had two cakes at our reception so I decided to eat one at 6 months and one at twelve months. (had nothing to do with the fact we needed freezer space) I didn't have any cake at my reception...ahhh what a whirlwind...it still tasted pretty good after all this time.
And flowers!!!!
A sure sign spring is just around the corner which means you all won't have to listen to me complain about the cold for much longer :) Yea!
Please send GOOD VIBES towards the northwestern part of Mexico. Two of my favorite peeps in the whole world are there right now making the world a better place. And they need good energy sent their way. Kate will blog all about it when she is back in the states I'm sure.
ONE LAST THING: My husband says the most hilarious things in his sleep. (sisters have probably heard me talk about it before) It is a source of much fun for us, me being a light sleeper and Murph could sleep through a zombie apocalypse (ha ha) If you have ever witnessed someone talking in their sleep then you understand how incredibly funny it is. As you can tell I do most the blogging in the family, but he made me promise to post this quote. Right after I grumpily (sp?) pushed an annoying early morning cat off the bed...(in a London accent) "Marri...you shouldn't play with the kittys within these walls"---I know, its priceless.
What is the funniest thing you have ever heard someone say in their sleep?
ok, one more last thing...Happy St. Pat's day to all. I have the pleasure of tending bar for 12 hours on Monday...should have good stories to tell. Have a safe one.
Happy St Patty's Day!! I'm drinking my coffee out of a green mug as I type...love it! Hope you have a good day, that there aren't too many crazies you have to deal with :)
Love you!
Ok, so I didn't actually HEAR this... mostly because I was the one sleeping while I said it! But Josh told me this story in the morning... and I remember the dream I was having when I said it, so I'm pretty sure it's true...
Apparently, I'm sleeping, and in a very condescending voice I said "GREEN." Josh (being the loving husband he is) decided to see if I would have a conversation with him, so he asked "What's green?" In the same voice I said "MY CAR."
So, in my dream, I was talking with a student (thus, the condescending voice) and he was asking about my car.
Lucky for me, we were at a family reunion when this happened, so not only did Josh hear it, but his ENTIRE family heard it as well... NEAT!
That is soooo funny. Thanks for sharing that story. It is so weird how serious we are in our sleep.
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