This morning Tyler almost strangled himself. This is him after his brush with death (look at his nose).
He loves to play with paper sacks...particularly Jalapenos' carry-out sacks.
I was fixing my first cup of coffee (so no, I wasn't really awake yet) when I noticed Tyler had caught his head in the handle of a paper sack. Before I could set my coffee down and untangle him, he was starting to freak! He shot out of the kitchen, and tore through the living room, flying behind every piece of furniture we own. I saw him go up the wall, behind the 5 foot tall fresh water tank, around the corner, behind the couch, onto the computer desk, and scurried back in the kitchen.
All at a pace I've never seen my cat move--Joaquin was like "WTF mate?"
During this explosion of fear, Tyler knocked over racks of Cd's and DVDs, papers were flying from his gallop across the desk. It was as if the Tasmanian Devil had possessed my boy. By the time Ty returned to the kitchen, I had freed myself of my scalding coffee, and was repeating in the calmest voice (as if he understands) "Come here, slow down. Come here, slow down." His eyes wide with terror, he looked to me for salvation, and I removed the sack from his neck. He then abruptly ran to his corner to hide until Murph removed the bag from the premises.
And if Tyler could talk, he would be saying, "I was just playing with the bag, minding my own business....and then WHAA-PAP, it just attacked me!"
Here's what the bag looked like after Tyler's escapade.
OMG! rolling on the floor laughing my you know what off!Poor baby!
oh ty...the drama kills me!! loving it!!
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