Mom, thanks for having me. And super thanks for giving me siblings, it is the greatest gift you ever gave me. I truly thank you for being a mom. The strongest allies in my life are those who I call brother and sister.
This is my mom before she was a mom :)

"The phrase "working mother" is redundant." -- Jane Sellman
"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother" -- Lin Yutang
Jan, thank you for Murphy, and for making me your daughter. I learn from you everyday.
Sherry, thank you for teaching me that all step-mothers aren't evil...all the time anyway :) And thanks for putting up with all that teenage angst.
Sue, ahhh....thanks for not killing me or Sarah. 'Cuz, I probably would have had I been in your shoes.
Dawee, you are the most amazing mom I know. A vivid image of you comes to mind when I think of the word 'motherhood'. 8 months pregnant, squeezing out from behind the wheel of your mom's car, the strongest I had ever seen you. Thanks for Ashley, my world would be intolerable without her in it.
Tara, thank you for being a mom, because if you weren't a mom, I never would have met you.
Jane, thank you Jane for always being true. You are the most genuine friend one can have.
Kathy, Oh Kathy! Thank you for making me do chores every Saturday; No, I mean it, thanks. Thank you so much for making me a part of your family for so many years. Thank you for never judging me.
Leah, thank you for thickening my skin up a bit. I'd have no skeleton if it weren't for you.
Carol, thank you for my newest sister, my life would be a shambles without her. And so would my brother's. Thank you for being the mother who you are, it is a beautiful grace.
Linda, thank you for letting Becky and I make countless mud-pies on the back deck, occupy all hallways & most bedrooms to play "office", and borrow the expensive binoculars for our "spy club", oh and the AutoShow every year. super sweet.
Hilary, thank you for being all tatted-up and a mom. You give me hope.
And to all the moms of "furbabies" like me. (Jess calls them our furbabies -oh so cute!) We love our little ones as our kids!
Christina, for being a fearless mom.
What a beautiful post, Marri! Thanks for including me in your list of moms! You mean the world to Jess, too...she needed more sisters!
Just beautiful. And you are so sweet to include me as well...indeed, my life is so much more enriched by being a mom, and since that means I never would have gotten to know Kate and subsequently meet you as a result, then WOW, you are so right. Love ya, Marri!
How did you get those pics?? You sneaky girl you! and as Yoda would say..tears you like to make hum....
This is the sweetest post, Marri. I love it. What a neat way to honor all the Moms in your life :)
Thanks April!
gah, marri, make me tear up why don't you?? that was beautiful! love you, furbaby mom.
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