We had two pond firsts this past Sunday;
1st Tomato
1st Lily Pad bloom
This picture is blurry but the fish still looks really cool.
The catfish was elusive as always, but you can just barely see him in this one.
I caught this little bee on a lily in our backyard, he is so tiny! My favorite pic of the day.
And to finish our day off together, we went and saw Iron Man, and it was very good; I highly recommend it.
Happy Blogging!
i love the bee picture! he is a tiny little baby!!! love it!
the last picture is great. you guys are so gorgeous!
So I had a comment all written out yesterday than I clicked "publish" and this page says "So sorry but Blogger is down". I would've thrown rotten vegetables at the screen if I could've.
It was something along the lines of I was SO excited to actually se Murphy's face wooooohoooooo!!!!! Next time, let's go for the eyes. :) Nice to meet you Murphy! Great pics!!!!
I love that last picture of you guys too, you look so good together!
Marri - 2 weeks and we get to hang out!
Love you!
I love the pic of you and Murphy! I love the matching shoes! Sort of. Anyway, I miss your guts, end of story. Hope you 5 are doing well!
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