I finally made it out to one of Ashley's softball games, and enjoyed every minute of it! She did a really great job!
Here she is in the out-field, the girls are so bored in the outfield. Its so funny, after a while they start to lose interest and they start to play in the dirt or sit down. It's pretty cute. They seem to completely forget what they are doing out there so far away from everybody else...
...until a ball comes flying their way!
She scored a run...
And got a girl out on first base!
She does actually catch that ball in the picture above, notice the wince on her face (and the girl in the background is looking less than confidant). She won the defensive play of the game with that one, and I must say I was very proud (and stoked I had my camera for sure)!
Me and the little peach pie crust! Sarah, do you see this, she is taller than me when I am kneeling down?! When did this happen?
Great pic through the fence!
Those are sooooooooooo cute!!! You should have seen her last night at her last game. She was the catcher and just spaced out.
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