ok, so this is all Tara's fault. If it weren't for her I wouldn't even know you are supposed to post a 100 things post! (Thanks Tara:) This was really hard, and at times very emotional. If you have the patience to read it, thank you. I am a little rambler sometimes, and some of it may not make much sense, but I think you will all know me a bit better after you read it.
1. I despise raisins.
2. I really enjoy grapes though.
3. I was 13 the fist time I flew in an airplane.
4. I flew by myself to London.
5. I didn't try jam or jelly until I was in my 20's.
6. I've never eaten a peach.
7. The whole peach thing really astounds people.
8. I have recently learned that no matter if its raining, snowing, blazing hot or cold, I have to take Cash for a walk.
9. This humbles me.
10. I dated my hubs for 9 years before I proposed.
11. Even after nine years, I was nervous.
12. I spent my 21st birthday on the beach in Belize.
13. I didn't drink any alcohol on my 21st because I had the bends.
14. The first time I went away from home without my parents, I was 11.
15. I went to Anacostia, Washington D.C. to rebuild a church.
16. I've been to Mexico 5 times.
17. Once to teach Sunday school.
18. Once to learn mime.
19. Three times to build houses.
20. My two favorite places in the world are the Oregon coast and the Arizona desert.
21. I have 6 siblings by blood and 1 by marriage, but really she feels like blood
22. I have a decent memory.
23. Sometimes its a hindrance.
24. My most precious memory of Bill is sitting on the roof, looking at stars through his telescope when we were kids.
25. My most precious memory of Mike is singing Total Eclipse of the Heart a little too loud after drinks at Dargins in SB, Cali.
26. My most precious memory of C is playing Barbie SuperMarket 24/7 for like a month straight after she got it for her birthday.
27. My most precious memory of my Kate is the time we spent together after our parents divorced. She was my best friend, I wouldn't have survived it without her.
28. My most precious memory of Kerri is how she used to say water before she could SAY water. She would just look at you and gurgle.
29. My most precious memory of my Sarah is catching her at about age 2 sitting in what used to be a roll of toilet paper, but had been turned into some sort of abstract art piece covering most of the bathroom and her grin peaking out from under the mess.
30. I don't have any children.
31. But I love babies.
32. I love it when they fall asleep in your arms and you feel their weight shift and you know they just slipped into dreamWorld. Thanks mom, for having babies.
33. I never felt more like a "girl" than the day I bought my wedding dress.
34. I've loved video games ever since my brothers played Contra.
35. My favorite color is green.
36. I am a sucker for the quizzical email forwards that ask you random questions about yourself.
37. I have a weird fascination with things that are small in size but heavy in weight.
38. I would throw myself in front of a bus for a handful of people.
39. Ashley is one of them.
40. I have six tattoos.
41. I am not yet done getting tattooed.
42. I owe a lot to the music in my life.
43. I am proud to say I DON'T own a Coach bag.
44. Writing excites me in the way Christmas Eve excites you when you are a kid.
45. The thing I want to do most with my life is help people.
46. I don't feel like bartending helps people.
47. At 27 years of age, I am still scared of the dark.
48. But I am completely comfortable swimming with sharks.
49. The ocean feels like home to me.
50. I am a certified scuba diver and I really want to go diving with my brother who
is also a certified scuba diver.
51. I want to summit Long's one day.
52. I would have absolutely no taste in music if it weren't for Murphy.
53. My friend Pedro was on the Oprah show.
54. Terrence Howard dropped beats for his new album while my friend Pedro gave him a Thai massage.
55. Murphy rode his bike on Harrison Ford's property.
56. This was my sole reason for going out with him the first time.
57. Now I have lots of reasons to go out with him.
58. I name everything. Cars, ipods, bugs, no boundaries here folks.
59. I do my best to move against the grain.
60. I feel as though I succeed at this most of the time.
61. I am proud of my Greek heritage.
62. But not so proud I don't know more about it.
63. I secretly hate it when my husband puts my laundry away.
64. Ok, its not a secret anymore.
65. I bought the cd War by U2 on the 3rd floor of Virgin Records in Paris, France when I was 13 years old.
66. I'm not a big U2 fan.
67. I bought Dr. Martins in London's Picadilly Square the same year.
68. I am however a big Dr. Martins fan.
69. I've been to Stonehenge. I wasn't all that impressed.
70. I got married on a mountain in the desert in Sedona, Arizona.
71. I will eat peanut sauce on anything.
72. I almost killed my little sister, Kerri, by giving her a bite of a salad that
had peanuts in it one time.
73. I still feel bad about this.
74. I have been a vegetarian for almost 4 years.
75. I gained 20 lbs within the first year of becoming a veg-head.
76. The best compliment I ever received from someone was from a customer whom I would now call a friend.
77. He called me unassuming.
78. Not much surprises me. I expect almost anything.
79. I love board games.
80. My husband does not like to play board games.
81. That kinda sucks for me but oh well.
82. If I could eliminate 1 thing from this world, it would violence.
83. If I could eliminate 2 things, the other would be mosquitos.
84. The first time I saw the desert; things just made more sense after that.
85. Star Wars not Star Trek.
86. I have already named my first child.
87. Caleb Bird Glannon
88. Boy or girl; Caleb Bird Glannon.
89. My next tattoo is a bear paw print in honor of the Followill brothers of Kings of Leon.
90. My hubs and I both agree the whole bear paw print is such a "cheesy" tattoo, but I'm getting it anyway.
91. When I was a young teen, my friends and I would sneak into the back of this restaurant and buy cigs out of the machine. We had to be quick because we were not old enough and this one manager was a beast when he would catch us.
92. Less than 10 years later, I work at that restaurant (and for that beast of a manager), and we removed the cig machine due to under-age kids buying smokes out of it.
93. My best friend and I were banned from a mall when we were 14, because my friend jumped down onto a roof (does that make sense) and was running back and forth on it.
94. I feel lucky to have survived my adolescence.
95. I regret very few things in my life, one them being that I never told Meghan I was sorry.
96. My seester Jess helped me to find my voice in the summer of 2008.
97. Ani said it best, "I owe my life to the people that I love"
98. "We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks" B. Tyler
99. "I cannot survive the roses from my friends." B. Harper
100. "Told me you loved me, that I'd never die alone. Hand over your heart, let's go home." C. Followill
Oh my, Mar. Well done.
Blame me all you want. It was well worth it. Wow and as Jess said, well done.
#6 surprises me, too. #32 - love that, too. #44 - then, uh, blog more. :) #47 - same here. I unashamedly have nightlights everywhere. #69 - we've been there, too. Interesting place, for sure. Smack dab in the middle of a sheep farm. #79-80 - same here!! I'll play board games with you anytime!!
Love this post! It made me look at my own blog to see how many posts I have made. That way I can be ready when my 100th comes around! Nice job!
What's up with me putting away your clothes??? Honey we need to talk.
Ha Murph, I knew you would say that! Honey you know this 100 things post took some work; I had to make some stuff up ;)
oh my baby..that made me cry..and I remember so many of those things.ps...How could i let you go so far away when you were so young? and yet there was no stopping you... the first time you held a peach was at the safeway in P.V...you said..."it's soft like a ducky mom", you were three.
marri. i woud like to sit down and talk about every single one of these. you are amazing and i love you dearly.
Why can't I remember getting a barbie supermarket? (am I to assume I'm C?)
About that writing thing - get a move on girl. You're a very talented and humorous writer. The world needs to be enlightened by the inspirations of Marri Apos- I mean Glannon :-)
I love your 100 list. Not sure if I could do that... but try I may.
Love you!
i love you! thanks for sharing your life with. i do appreciate you. a lot!
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