Hello all, I want to take a minute to apologize for my atrocious writing on my last post; I just re-read it and it is full of squabbled tenses. This is my weak point in writing, I just never could get the tenses down. It really messes with the flow.
And, I am super embarrassed that it has taken so incredibly long to finish my Year In Review for 2008. I really wanted to get it done before the end of January, but as my mother always says, "People in hell want ice water, but they don't get it". (Moral: we don't always get what we want)
But, alas, I have very important things to blog and the neurotic me just won't let myself until I finish that pesky YIR...So here goes...
The Abridged Last 5 Months:
August 2008
I made it to 27!! My rockstar birthday, I like to call it. (Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin all celebrated their 27th as their
last B-Day). Murph and I prepare for our garage sale by spring cleaning the basement. This month, Murph and I learn how difficult it is to be a
good dog owner! Also this month, Pedro comes in town for a visit. It isn't long enough and he doesn't bring Mel. BOOOOO! Just kidding, Love ya Peter:) I change my blog address this month.
September 2008
Murphy and I celebrate 1 year of marriage by cooking dinner and watching a movie at home --Our favorite way to spend an evening! Jan breaks her right foot at the ultra disappointing garage sale.(since then, Jan has broken her left foot as well:()
October 2008
The computer crashes!! My blogging suffers miserably because of this. A bummer on many levels, October is my favorite month so I have many things to blog BUT I CAN'T!!!! Ashley and I have a pumpkin carving extravaganza, and I think this might become a new tradition. This month we find out my best friend, Brian, is having a baby (well, not Bri, but his lady). Murphy starts working full time as head Landscaper and Groundskeeper at a homes association!!!! More baby news; Christa, my co-worker of 8 years, gets married, pregnant, and moves. Christa taught me everything I know about my job and I miss her dearly!! And then Halloween...oh I wish ya'll could have seen pictures, my friend P.J. and I dressed up as Dwight & Jim from the show the office, it was great fun.
November 2008
This month starts out so wonderful, Murphy and I go to St. Louie to see Kings of Leon. This show has a post of its own in the waiting, the short of it: It's incredible!! The very next day, we vote for our new president. This day ended in tears; I am so proud of my country. This month gets really sad really fast. On November 14, his birthday, Bernie Glannon loses his battle with cancer. The good to come out of this is I get to meet Murphy's half-siblings finally and they are truly amazing. It was so incredible to be welcomed with such warmth during such a terrible tragedy. Less than a week later, my boss of 8 years, Mark Hernandez passes suddenly after being rushed to the hospital. The last thing Mark and I talked about was how jealous he was that I was going to see Kings of Leon. This is the hardest funeral I have ever been to; 150 people at the burial. At this point I am ready to skip December all together and get a move on with 2009.
December 2008
The party of the year takes place at the Fisher's house!! Murph stays home sick (Murphy is never sick), and misses my reunion with Margikins!! THIS IS THE LAST NIGHT I HAVE A CIGARETTE!!!! I don't know this at the time. Following Murphy's cold, I get the cold which turns into Mono/Strep, and is then followed by a sinus infection! Being sick for 3 weeks is the perfect opportunity to quit smoking! [7 weeks this coming Saturday!!!] Last, but certainly not least, we find out Brian and Sarah are having not one baby but two!! Yea, twins!!