My best bud, Sarah, was inked with her second tattoo this past Tuesday. She was just dying to get another one and it took all my strength to get her to wait for my artist to become available. I am kind of a tattoo snob for a lack of better words, and when she told me they didn't even shave her the first place she went, I was horrified, "Never go back there again!" I took her to Mark, at Irezumi Body Art in Waldo; I have two tattoos from Mark, and that is where Kate got her first one too. Mark is a great artist, and does phenomenal work, my two I have from him look brand new still, and you will have to ask Kate how her foot is looking (but I'm sure it's still beautiful).
Sarah decided to go a little bigger this time and in a more noticeable spot too! Her first one is on her inner wrist, I have one there too, and people rarely noticed it before I got my sister tattoo right above it. It seems like the further up the arm, the more people SEE it.

I love the design she chose! She had Mark 'funk-ti-fy' the original she brought in, and she decided to have the bird swooping in towards her body, I just love how it turned out!! Can't wait for #3!!
BTW: I asked Mark about the whole 'not shaving' thing; Ink takes better to your skin if it is freshly shaven, and it is easier on the artist and less painful of the tattooee. Just so ya'll know :)
its great. great choice sarah!
next time I come to town, I am going back to mark. i have ideas already...
Isn't it cute! I love it, even though it hurt sooooooooo much :)
looks like a bird of paradise...very elegant my sweet girl!MamaTrish
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