My hubs ran a race. The Amy Thompson Run To Daylight included none other than my man, Murphy G. Ran it like a champ too, steady pace the whole way, he never stopped. When I run this race, I run and
then walk and
then run and
then walk and
then run across the finish line as though I have been powering at current pace since the start.
Murphy passed me about halfway and didn't realize it, he thought I was ahead of him the entire time. When I finally finished, I expected him to be on the sidelines, cheering me on. But no, he was looking for me because he was so sure I'd left him in my trail of dust. The pictures of me are not nearly as pretty as those of my husband; I look as though I just ran the Great Wall of China...

I am really proud of Murphy, he decided to run a race and he did it. He ran the whole way. And he is all stoked about running more races,
longer ones,
ones that involve training.
Next up the Dog*n*Jog. A two mile run with our Staffy, and about a billion other dogs.
Umm, hyper PitBull + 1Billion other hyper dogs = !?!?OMG (and I don't mean OhMurphyGlannon).
Cash is excited though, this was his face when we told him: