Cash and Scout have gotten together a few times to play but the camera didn't make it out until now!!
Murphy and I noticed Scout back in October when his owners moved into the house diagonal to us. We only had Cash about 3 months and we were still adjusting to being new dog owners.
As you all know, we adopted Cash from Missouri Pit bull Rescue, and until now, I didn't realize how much they had brainwashed us into thinking that our dog would always be prohibited from contact with other male dogs. They just pounded that into our brains from the start. So, right off the bat, Murphy and I were overly cautious about our new pet; our new family member. We separated him from the cats with a baby gate (y'all remember the pics).
We immediately, instinctively, didn't trust our dog. We thought we were being responsible dog owners by doing this; we were positive we were avoiding some tragedy.
But, honestly, it just became a pain in the ass.
One day I just said, "Let's take down the gate. Let's just see what happens." And everything was fine. Sure Tyler still avoids Cash, but Joaquin has totally accepted Cash as a brother. They even give 'head knocks' as they pass in the house. So now we know our sweet little Cash is capable of playing with other, well behaved, male animals.
So anyway... As soon as we saw Scout, we loved him. We wanted so badly for Cash to meet Scout. Like a parent wants for their child to have friend. I know, its crazy, but having a dog is the closest I have been to having a child so yeah. You dog owners understand right? You human owners are like, "She has no idea!"
So anyway..long story short (too late) Winter prohibited...
Spring has sprung...
Cash loves his best friend Scout so much he just can't help but try to hump him on a regular basis. New issues but at least he has a friend right?

freaking a-dorable. they are so cute together!
That's great! I hope Cash loves Scout as much as Sarge loves Maggie. At our house it's Bob and Joy...but Joy is such a spazzz that there's not much interactive playing...sad because Bob would love it.
Oh how sweet...dogs are just the best in the world aren't they? Don't let the cats read this!
Noah says "Dog dog!! Woof Woof!" and has spent the last five minutes after viewing Cash and Scout's pictures crawling around on the floor doing his best dog impression.
that was fun that day Noah came over and met Cash. He kept taking the pillows off the couch and laying down next to the pups!!
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