Ok, so, I got this as an email from one of my favorites and it was titled 44 stupid questions. I am a dork and don't think any of these questions are stupid, I absolutly love this kind of stuff....so I'm blogging it :)
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes, there isn't a cheese I don't like.
2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Yes, but I'm constantly trying to quit.
3. Do you own a gun? No, I am deathly afraid of them--this is funny because my Uncle is a Gunsmith and my sister used to work for him, both my brothers were/are in the military, and my dad
and step-dad are cops.
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Dude...grape.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? I'm generally nervous.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? GROSS, I am a veg-head.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? As a child, Home Alone; in my old age, The Family Stone
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee, and plenty of it!
9. Can you do push ups? Yes, 1. But one is all you need? :)
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? The pearls my husband gave me to wear on our wedding day
11. Favorite hobby? Video games....I waste much of my time playing video games.
12. Do you have A.D.D? I don't think so or maybe I do, I don't know , what was the question?
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? After I have been around someone for a certain amount of time, I start to talk like them. It drives me crazy, but I really can't help it.
14. Middle name? I have two; Megan and Nadine. I really want to drop them and replace them with my maiden name. My oldest brother also has two middle names, one of them being my other brother's first name.
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? Should I buy that shirt I really want?, It's hot here, will i post this before I get interrupted yet again?
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly have. Ginger Ale, water, coffee
17.Do you have any tattoos? Yes, I have 6.
18. Current hate right now? People talking during movies in the theatre
19. Favorite place to be? the Oregon coast baby.
20. How did you bring in the New Year? Asleep on the couch by 11:35pm
21. Where would you like to go? Tucson, FoCo, Belize, yes in that order please.
22. Name three people who will complete this? Kate, Thompson, my mom?
23. Do you own slippers? My cats devoured my last pair of slippers.
24 What shirt are you wearing? brown & white striped v-neck tee
25. Do you like sleeping on satin? No, too hot. I need sheets that breathe.
26 Can you whistle? Nope.
28. Would you be a pirate? Heck yeah! Are you kidding me, buried treasure, I'm in.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Standing in the shower thinking by Jane's Addiction
30. Favorite girl's name? Bella
31. Favorite boy's name? Gus
32. What's in your pocket right now? not a darn thing
33. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Dexter the monkey at Pet Stop. He sucks his thumb, its hilarious.
34 Best bed sheets as a child? star wars sheets, I wish I still had them. I'm serious, Murph would totally be down with that.
35. Worst injury you've ever had? I bruised my tailbone, it was horrible. I had to sit on this bright blue inflatable donut for the 1st month of middle school. As if the 1st month of middle school isn't tragic enough.
36. Do you love where you live? I wish I was closer to the people I'm closest to (does that make sense?), but I love my home. I've lived here 8 years, its home.
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1
38. Who is your loudest friend? Kelly or Hilary, seriously its a toss up
39. How many dogs do you have? None, but we are trying. I am hoping for a boy pup, and I know Murph wants to adopt.
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Take a number! just kidding
41. What is your favorite book? that's like saying whats your favorite movie...not fair! Fight Club. (its also my favorite movie)
42. What is your favorite candy? nerds
43. What is your favorite sports team? The Kansas City Cheifs.
44. What song do you want sung/played at your funeral? Ok, this might creep you all out, but I have a funeral mix already made. You gotta come to the event if you want to hear it.