Thursday, February 12, 2009

Short but Sweet

Last Saturday Kate flew into Missouri for a quick visit with Ruthie in Columbia. Between her flight landing and her shuttle taking off, she had about an hour so we met her at the airport. She brought us coffee (thanks Kate), and we brought her Cash (the Dog)! She had never met him so it was great fun. Cash was super excited; so excited we couldn't get him to turn around and face the camera!

It was a beautiful warm day, but really windy, you can tell by Kate's wind whipped hair!

Cash would like to show you his hind quarters. They are quite nice if you ask me.

Kate and Cash have matching expressions in this shot, they are both like "NO, don't leave so soon."

Great to see you Katesters, even if it was only for a cup of coffee. We love you and can't wait to see your new place. Oh and BTW, everybody please notice how amazing my seester looks!


jess said...

Cash is a cute little guy!

Kate, isn't it funny how he gives you his butt to scratch too just like his cousin Sarge?? :)

Anonymous said...

It must run in the family jess! haha! it was so good to see you Marri. love you!