Sunday, March 23, 2008

Leaping Lizards!

Sorry, I could not resist the corny title :)
I have a funny story for all of you:

Ok so, I broke my arm twice as a child by simply convincing myself I could defy gravity. The first time I broke my arm was during my little sister Kate's baby shower. I was four. As my mom was inside being showered with baby gifts,I was outside doing my best to impress all my cousins, and other peers gathered in The Weber's backyard.
"Oh yeah, well I am WonderWoman, I can fly." "Wanna see?"
I don't remember exactly what I said, I was four, but whatever I said led me to the top of the jungle gym in The Weber's backyard. I stared down at Glen Jr., Josh, Missy , Jen, and Tina (we called her Tina then). For a moment I actually thought I could fly...and then...WEEEEE. I leapt off the jungle gym only to find out that I wasn't WonderWoman, and I couldn't fly.
Next thing I remember I was running in screaming at my mom that I broke my arm. Funny thing was she didn't believe me. If you knew me as a child (or an adult), you know I have a certain flare for the dramatics. Yes, lets call it flare. On top of the dramatics I have been a certifiable Hypochondriac since I could talk. A new freckle meant cancer, a small muscle twitch meant a stoke was coming, a headache was sure to develop into a brain hemorrhage---my poor parents.
So, anyway back to my story, my mom said I was fine, told me to take a vitamin and let her open the rest of her presents.
3 days later my arm was cast...and a big "I told you so" (to my older sister) was gloated.

I don't remember the details of my second attempt to defy gravity as well, only that it involved monkey bars, The Kassens, and a painful walk home from Somerset. I leapt off the top of the monkey bars only to find that it was not as easy as I thought to land on top of the nearby play structure.
Cast and gloat...I was always so proud of my injuries.

Last night I proved yet again that I am not immune to the laws of gravity. A ritual whip-cream-hazing gone bad.
We had the unsuspecting employee pinned, accomplice in front with a pan of whip cream, I was in back with a can of whip cream. It was a perfect plan until it went horribly wrong. Our victim realized our plan a moment too soon, causing me to leap, yes leap, off the window sill I was sitting in and face plant onto the concrete (I apparently learned my lesson after breaking both arms so I deciding to sacrifice my limbs and break my fall with my face).
I hit the pavement.
I walked away with a very swollen left ankle, completely straw-berried right knee, and a few bloody knuckles.
Some people never learn.

Happy Easter :)


jess said...

HILARIOUS!! I'm laughing outloud. Oh my goodness.

Happy Easter to you, Evil Knievel.

Anonymous said...

I love those stories Marri! You need to blog about the time dad THOUGHT you broke your arm. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Love you, Ms. Deathwish.

ps, a "flare" for dramatics is an understatement! I would runs in the family.

potato junk mom said...

Thank God it's not cancer!!! and that you were no where near a sofa. Yes Kate...she must tell the ABULANCE story...wait!!!! I will...Marri liked to walk on he top edge of sofas when she was about 6..with not a lot on..( such a free spirit)(yes I said it!) but she is a klutz and she fell..I was not home.. her dad was at he panicked and called 911..Marri had a wonderful ride to Shawnee Mission Hospital... sirens blaring and all with her dad following close behind in the police car (of course red lights all the way).love you honey!!!