Sunday, July 27, 2008

"Late News"

Well, its a bit over due but ......

I was about to post yet another dog post when I realized I still haven't posted Ashley's #8 or 4Th of July pics.

Ashley celebrated her 8Th birthday while I was out of town visiting family, so Murph was in charge of pictures of her celebration. Unfortunately, KC had the hardest rain of the summer that day so everyone was soaked to the bone and huddling under cover! Murphy still managed to snap some great photos of the girl-growing-up-too-fast.

A familiar eye roll at Dad.

Cool cupcake tower for the birthday girl. Ok, now I want a cupcake like never before!

My personal favorite Ashley 'look'.

A week earlier, we celebrated Independence Day at the North home. (I know, I am seriously behind)

Gravity works! Aron & Ashley picking up Aron's finest moment of the night.

Yes, they are using a cigarette to light it, and no, I don't know what it is or what its going to do. Considering both these points, I try not to think about the alcohol involved.

Sarah stayed away from the bottle rockets this year, seeing as she shot one into my stomach two years ago :)

Landon was my highlight of the evening, he was so impressed with the fireworks!

Its been a busy summer so going by too fast. Before I know it, Murphy and I will be celebrating our 1st anniversary!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

This... Cash.

He is the Pit Bull Murphy and I are trying to adopt from Missouri PitBull Rescue and he is the biggest baby. I fell in love with him the moment I met him. Murphy met Cash (who until we "officially" adopt is named Champ)at an event hosted by MPR while I was visiting my sisters last week. I got to meet him last Tuesday, he is defintely the dog we have been looking for. I can already tell he is going to be a Mama's boy!

This coming Tuesday is our home inspection with Cash and his foster mom, Courtney. Cash will meet Tyler and Joax, and if all goes well, will stay with us from then on! We had a big petSmart day; & Murph splurged on treats from the Barkery. Look at these goodies, my favorite is the 'chocolate' hearts.

After a baby gate installation, a big wire crate in the middle of their living room, and complete reversal of peeing and eating areas, the boys are quite curious about what's going on. I swear Tyler gave me two dirty looks when I came home with a new fluffy bed obviously intended for someone other than himself. They both looked at the toys and then back to us, saying with their look, "Those toys are way too big for us". I am not so worried about Cash's reaction to the cats as I am Tyler's reaction to Cash. *fingers crossed*

Here is Tyler looking apprehensive of new gate :)

Wish us luck with our new life as dog owners, we are really excited!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Soon, its coming soon.

Ok, so I have been absent from the blogging world for a while now--but I have been super busy---In fact this post is only a taste of what's to come. Check back soon for pictures of...

*Ashley's #8
*Fourth of July (I know I am so behind)
*My trip out to see my seesters

*and more of this guy.....

Forgive me my fellow bloggers =) I know you still love me.