Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bounding Cash?

When you can't enjoy the hilarity of bounding sheep, you must settle for bounding Cash!

(click on the pic, its better that way)


Anonymous said...

he is totally a bounding sheep!! that is hilarious!

April said...

that cracks me up! you are right, clicking on the picture making it bigger makes it more funny.....his hind feet are in mid-air! love it!

jess said...

He is hilarious!! Cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

He's not quite getting the kind of air a sheep gets, but he's giving it his best "full-tilt boogie"! You would get plowed over if you stepped in his way!


Marri said...

Yes Carol, he has plowed me over several times! I think he is just envious of the bounding sheep!

potato junk mom said...