Monday, August 25, 2008

I am my Father's daughter

Ok, so, finally after 5 years of saying we are going to do it with no follow through, Jan and I are having a garage sale. It's something we've needed to do for a long long long time. Between her house and ours, we could definitely stand to get rid of a few things. If you know my father, and many of you who read my blog have lived with the man, then you know he never throws anything out. On top of never throwing anything out, he is constantly adding to his, let's see, he would call them collectibles. And as for my mother, well you have 7 kids and see how much crap you accumulate. Honestly, if our basement never flooded, my mom would still have way too many tangible memories. So with those two as my Rents, it is no wonder I stumbled across so many crazy items while sorting through my own personal memory dump. Adulthood apparently leads to a storage unit in my family.

Here is some of the stuff I found:

*my tongue ring (gross!)

*2 belly button studs (not quite as gross, but still gross)

*numerous baby photos

*the napkin from Grandpa and Trudy's wedding

*tons of poems written by Betty and Bonnie (aka Margie & Marri)

*about 20 letters from my brother (one including info on a girl he is "just crazy about", he called her Jessie, wonder whatever happened to her)

*about 20 Christmas cards from my sister

*every single one of Kate's class pictures

*a bunch of old writing, including a play and 2 chapters of a book

*pictures of my dad with hair

*the napkin Murphy wrote his number on (I told you I still had it:))

*letters from Meghan (ok, these made me sob--but sooo happy I still have them)

*a paycheck stub from 1997 (I work with a girl who was 5 when I got this paycheck, that made me feel old)

*3 Jules matchbooks (for those who don't know, Jules is where I met Murphy)

*countless scribbles from Sarah Lyn and Ashley. No, seriously, it was pathetic. Many trees died so Ashley could draw a single squiggly line, and then hand it to me beaming with the pride of a Nobel prize winner.

*the bubble gum cigar from when Kerri was born

*the pink candy bar boasting "HERSHEIS" from when Sarah was born

*the funeral script from when Margie and I buried Jimmy Jazz (Jimmy Jazz was a mouse we found in my garage)


I just want to point out how adorable my brothers look. My nephew Joey looks just like my brother Bill when he smiles. I had never noticed that until I found this picture.

Hope all in blog world are well!


jess said...

I would LOVE to see that letter about Mike's g/f Jessie :)

What a fun trip down memory lane!!! And also, I'm glad you're cleaning out. It's therapeutic!

When is your garage sale?

Anonymous said...

talk about tough! i am proud of you for going through all your stuff! its difficult and emotional...

loe the pictuer you posted. joey totally looks like bill! crazy!!

Anonymous said...

Precious memories! You can't get rid of this stuff! Well, maybe the tongue ring can go!!
