Monday, May 16, 2011

5 firsts...

This week I will...

1. my 1st 40 hour, salary paid, work week. Not bad considering I landed a full time job with spectacular benefits 1 week before graduation (toot-toot my own horn).

2. ...graduate from something for the 1st time. Yup, the 1st time...since 6th grade anyway...and I didn't work nearly as hard when I was eleven. I worked my butt off for this one.

3. ...go to work at 8am for the 1st time in my life. This is actually kinda sad...I'll be 30 this year and I've never started my work-day before 9:30am.

4. ...see my brother for the 1st time since his return home. BTDubbs, #1 & #2 woulda' never happened if it weren't for my brother. (Don't tell him I said woulda' and not would have, that might really bother him)

5. surrounded by the people that I love, the people that make me who I am, the people who allow me to be who I am, and the ones who show me who I am. For the 1st time I think...

I will


Julie said...

Congrats, Marri! Great accomplishments! You deserve to be celebrated and your hard work has paid off. Have fun with Mike in town!

jess said...

yay yay yay!!! so happy for you & proud of you. love you so much!

so wishing i could be there thursday...


Carol said...

Way to go, Marri!

Marri said...

Thank you ladies!! You will all be in my thoughts this evening :)