Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hello all thee in blog-world! Yes, I have been quite absent this summer---so sorry. I keep holding off for lack of time to upload, file, and edit pictures so I decided (inspired by the Katesters) to post w/o visual reference.

Here is some randomness from my season:

* I vowed to run 3 races this summer; I ran 1

* I said my first dog would be a Boston Terrier; 2 weeks ago we got an American Staffordshire Terrier (aka, Cashious Maximus)

* Before May of this year I loved to go fast; now it really freaks me out (I lost someone who was going too fast)

* I said I was going to the pool once a week this summer; I put my swimsuit on for the first time today

* I also vowed to get get back in shape this summer (hence the swimming and running); I went to the gym once so far, and it was while I was on vacation

Ok, so I haven't been very committed this summer, I realize that I need to work on it. However, having a new pups has forced me to walk a couple miles a day :)

**puppy post up next**


Anonymous said...

You missed one bullet point of things you meant to do but didn't.....

* See my friend Scott's band "The Goods" at least once! Slacker! LOL


Anonymous said...

how appropriate that cashious maximus is the close cousin to gaseous maximus (aka sarge).

also, proud to say that your trip to the gym was with me.

sometimes life has different plans than we do. awesome to have an example of a person who rolls with it!

Julie said...

Hey, I give you credit for running one race. For me, that would be a lifetime achievement thing. Let's just say running is not my thing.

Anyway, let's see lots of pics of you pup!! Congrats on the new addition!

jess said...

Can't wait to see new furbaby pictures!!!